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Make profile

Posted: 25 Mar 2015, 13:18
by sayalaper
hello, thankyou for make this software. this software really help doing my task. i used macro with numpad, i use it for browsing, watching movie, and autocad and also play games. after that, i want hidmacros to add profile, i always copy and make another folder hidmacros, for browsing and autocad different macros, thankyou :)

Re: Make profile

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 08:45
by admin
You don't need separate installations.
The program accepts one parameter which is something like profile - it's name of configuration file. If it's not provided, all settings are stored to hidmacros.xml.
If you provide parameter e.g. autocad, settings will be stored to (and loaded from) file autocad.xml.
So just create more shortcuts to the same exe but with different parameter.

Re: Make profile

Posted: 28 Mar 2015, 01:46
by sayalaper
hi thankyou for your answer but i cant see how to use it ? any idea you tell me how to use it ?
ok petr, i can use it now, just make shortcut and right click , properties and add after target is the name parameter what i want

Re: Make profile

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 16:41
by tanoshimi
This is directed to Petr:
Great app! I was writing my own, but got stuck. I used GetRawDeviceInput to determine what key was pressed on which keyboard, but it consumed/hijacked the event, so I could not pass it through to windows or other apps. HIDMacros does exactly what I wanted to do, allows me to press a key on my USB numpad and have commands sent instead, but I need "profiles" or different commands depending upon which game is active. My program will do that, if I can figure out how to send the commands forward.

So, my question to you is, and I know you're not supporting HIDMacro anymore, but:
- Can you give me the code or some advice on how to send the keys forward after screening them? I tried SendMessage and PostMessage but they aren't working for me.

LuaMacros does what I need, different codes for different apps, but I don't want to learn another language to do the scripting, and I need a graphical interface as new games are added.

Again, my code is about 90% done, just need to figure out how to get the keys (or my altered commands) to go on to windows or the app.

Re: Make profile

Posted: 12 Jan 2016, 08:52
by admin
HidMacros sources are at github:
Not sure if I get your point - AFAIK raw input doesn't "consume" the message, I had the opposite problem - to stop standard windows handling of the key press if macro is assigned.

Re: Make profile

Posted: 12 Jan 2016, 14:16
by tanoshimi
Maybe it's the Raw Input dll I'm using. But I find that if I have a textbox on my form, and I hit a key, the DLL registers the key and I can use it (add it to the list), but it does not appear in the textbox. I think I'm going to need to use both Raw Input and Keyboard hooks.

Also, I noticed yours doesn't work with non-printable characters for the commands. This is for gaming, so I need to use the arrow keys and return/escape. Do you recall if there was a reason why you don't use them? Is it just that they don't display in the command text box?

Thanks for the directions.

Re: Make profile

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 08:54
by admin
What do you mean by "yours doesn't work with non-printable characters for the commands"? AFAIR you can have macros defined for those. Maybe you cannot send them as key press from macro's script, I'm not sure now.