Reposted: Luamacros not recognizing Caculator VKey from Numpad (but HID Macros, sees event)

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Reposted: Luamacros not recognizing Caculator VKey from Numpad (but HID Macros, sees event)

Post by ross_CAL » 13 Oct 2021, 22:33

I have a mechanical numeric keypad, and am using luamacros to successfully remap the keys, except the "calculator" key.

When I press the calculator key, the handler function is not being called (but is being called with other keys). (I have a debug print() statement as the first line in the handler function).

If I shutdown Luamacros and run HIDMacros, it registers as 183().

If I shut that down and run autohotkey, it recognizes the calculator vkeycode (and maps keystrokes accordingly).

This implies that there is something in the luamacros code which is not triggering the handler itself? Is this a known issue? any suggestions?

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Joined: 13 Oct 2021, 06:36

Re: Reposted: Luamacros not recognizing Caculator VKey from Numpad (but HID Macros, sees event)

Post by ross_CAL » 21 Oct 2021, 18:10

Some additional info:
- The calculator key is returning the following, but with an empty Keyboard ID. While this explains why the handler function tied to the specific keypad it not being called, I am still not able to figure out how to bind a separate handler to an empty id.
int: 183
hex: 0xB7
vk code description: VK_LAUNCH_APP2

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