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how do you get a mapped key not print number in a search bar

Posted: 29 Sep 2021, 22:50
by comet424
so i found an issue.. if a press "8" on my keypad and if im in a search bar anywhere... it press''s the number

not the Ctrl +G it supposed to

how do i fix that ? it doesnt matter if its internet explorer or google.. or file explorer types 8s usually just 1

but sometimes 8888888888

how do i get it not to print a key

Re: how do you get a mapped key not print number in a search bar

Posted: 01 Oct 2021, 03:11
by comet424
does anyone know how you intercept the keys before they go out?

so when i Press 1 it doesnt type 1 but Ctrl 1

i cant find a way to stop it